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UAS Regulations

In November 2019, the Federal Civil Aviation Agency (Agencia Federal de Aviación Civil, AFAC) published (in Spanish) NOM-107-SCT3-2019  which establishes the requirements to operate a remotely piloted aircraft system (RPAS) in Mexican airspace;

Here is an excerpt from the RPAS drone 'landing page" [ ] :

"The purpose of these instructions is to provide detailed information on the procedure that must be carried out to register an RPAS online with the Federal Civil Aviation Agency (AFAC) through its website.
All applicants must complete and submit their REGULATORY APPENDIX “K”: REGISTRATION OF RPAS BY THE RPAS OPERATOR, in order to obtain their registration folio issued by this aeronautical authority.

The registration of the RPAS information must be carried out before starting its corresponding operation.
When you send your form APPENDIX “K” REGULATORY: REGISTRATION OF RPAS BY THE RPAS OPERATOR, you are certifying that all the information contained in it is true and correct. Falsifying information may cause you to lose the right to obtain a record. Check that all your answers are correct and that each question is completely answered.

Attach a digitized copy of the documentation that proves the legal ownership or possession of your RPAS, as indicated in number 5., 5.1., 5.1.1. clause A); 6., 6.1., 6.1.1. subsection a) and 15.3 of the Official Mexican Standard NOM-107-SCT3-2019; Remember that this information may protect you against third parties, in the event of an incident or conflict of interest.
* Instructions for obtaining an RPAS registration issued by the Mexican Aeronautical Registry, dependent on the Federal Civil Aviation Agency (AFAC).

2. If you are a natural person, you must prove your personality by attaching a digitized copy of your official identification.
3. If you are a legal person, you must prove your personality by attaching a digitized copy of the articles of incorporation and power of attorney of the legal representative.
4. Review the data provided (the waiting time for your registration depends on it).
5. Prepare a digitized copy of the documentation proving ownership or possession of your RPAS (supported formats .pdf, .docx, .jpg or .png).
6. Send an email to the address requesting to obtain a registration for an RPAS, attaching the complete form in format (Excel) provided below, along with its printed version signed by you and adding the form autograph your Federal Taxpayers Registry with homoclave, if you have one; as well as the digitized copies of the documentation that proves the ownership or possession of your RPAS, and in each case, the one indicated in points 2 and 3 of these instructions.
7. Wait for your registration folio or the considerations to be covered to obtain it, at the electronic address provided, within 10 business days following the date of entry of your application.
8. Please use the space within your email to mention if you had any difficulties or problems filling out the form. Include any observations that you have not been able to add, indicating which question on the form they refer to
9. If necessary, we will contact you to solve the problem. Otherwise, your comments will serve to improve the tool for future editions. 10. For any questions in this regard, contact Tel: (55) 57239300 EXT. 18111, 18113 and 18125.

Appendix “J” Registry of RPAS commercialized in Mexico [SEE LINK ON PAGE]
Appendix “K” RPAS Registration by Owners [SEE LINK ON PAGE]"


Last update / 21.07.2023

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Legal sources

Last update / 20.09.2021

Contact info

Federal Civil Aviation Agency (Agencia Federal de Aviación Civil, AFAC) - Direction General of Civil Aeronautics:

Teléfono: (55) 57239300, Correo de Atención Ciudadana:

Atención a la ciudadanía: 01-800-888-1013

Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes

Last update / 20.09.2021

Related articles

There has possibly been an update to the regulations, please refer to this article (a blog by Baker Mckenzie): 

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